As enterprise organizations grow in scale and size, so do requests for their internal help desk teams. These help desk requests quickly become difficult to manage as companies approach enterprise-scale user levels and issues take up valuable internal IT department time. Despite the effort these organizations put into optimizing their help desks, things don’t always go as planned, and many help desks still face challenges when trying to give internal and external customers the best possible experience. Keeping your help desk running at maximum efficiency is critical to the success of your organization and achieving both internal and external customer satisfaction. So how do you achieve this? Here are 4 ways to help you optimize your enterprise help desk.
Focus on Your Internal Team Members First
One of the best and most important ways to optimize your help desk team as a whole is to look at each internal team member individually first. Look at each of them as valuable assets and focus on each of their goals, strengths, and areas for opportunity. This will help them become a more cohesive team that can effectively tackle issues together by leveraging each other's strengths. Be sure to build and hire your team so that everyone's strengths are utilized, and team members can help one another improve upon their potential weaknesses.
Follow Industry Trends
Enterprise organizations approach help desk management differently, but according to a recent survey from Atlassian, the top priorities for help desks are generally similar across the globe. The top three priorities for global help desks are: knowledge management, customer satisfaction, and IT service desks becoming more business-focused. These three priorities are critical for the success of your help desk not just in 2019, but into the future as well. Digital transformation of business is blurring the lines between people, processes and technology. As help desk support continues to evolve, the role of the the help desk will shift from being mainly technology focused to more customer and business focused.
Analyze How and Why Issues Occur
When it comes to your help desk, you need to be prepared for issues to occur, but you also need to be able to track and analyze the root cause of these issues to better understand how and why these issues are occurring. This will help you move forward by discovering the areas that need the most attention, and potentially team members that require more coaching and/or training. Once you've determined the most troublesome areas, you can work on developing a strategy to correct those issues so your team can function at the most optimum performance levels.
Quantify Your Customer Satisfaction
It's important to know how your internal and external customer satisfaction is tracking over time, but how do you measure your customer satisfaction?Quantifying your internal and external customer satisfaction will help you develop goals on where you want your satisfaction levels to be and will help you build an effective strategy to get you there. Understanding how satisfied your internal and external customers are and communicating these numbers to the organization is critical, especially as your help desk becomes more and more integrated within the organization.
The success or failure of the internal help desk can have a significant impact on the organization's performance, so ensuring that you are taking the right steps to optimize your help desk will ensure you are meeting and exceeding your goals not only for this year, but for future years to come.
If you're looking for a partner to outsource some of your help desk needs, we invite you to schedule a consultation to speak with an expert on our team. You can also download our 10 Common Help Desk Challenges & Concerns eBook.