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4 Ways to Help Your Support Team Embrace Organizational Change

Next Steps written on ruralChange has always been a constant within organizations. However, in order to be successful, it's critical that your support team embraces change from the beginning. This isn't always easy to do, but with the accelerated pace of things like technological advancements and competition, embracing organizational change is becoming more important than ever before. Here are 4 ways to help your support team embrace change within your organization.

1. Listen to Your Team
You should measure the team's attitude about the change before the organization makes any changes to better understand which members of the team will embrace the change and which of them will not. Team members who prefer stability will be more likely to work with proven methods, while those who embrace change will be more enthusiastic to experiment with new methods.

2. Focus on the Benefits
Focusing on the benefits that the team will experience once the change is implemented will help you look beyond any setbacks and inconveniences the change may bring. This will help the team look past any potential initial sacrifices and look forward to enjoying the benefits that the change will bring to both the team, and ultimately, the organization in the long term.

3. Involve the Team in Decision Making
Increased job satisfaction and increased productivity are just a few of the benefits that come from involving team members in any type of decision making. It also helps create a cohesive environment for teamwork and enables the team members to voice their opinions without any resistance. Team members involved in the decision making will be more likely to try new methods, while those who are not involved may prefer sticking with older methods.               

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4. Provide Proper Training
For any new changes, effective training is important before , during and after launch. The training should be from those who have adequate knowledge of the change to help ensure that those who are being trained understand the reasoning behind the change and the benefits to the organization. Training is vitally important for the Service Desk as it is the first point of contact when organizational change involves technology changes in the environment. Proper training of the Service Desk will help mitigate risks and allow them to help usher in the change as smoothly as possible with those users affected by the change.

Remember, for team members to understand and embrace new organizational changes, they should be involved in the decision making, shown the benefits, and  trained properly. The rate of acceptance and adaption of new changes affecting technology starts by preparing the Service Desk to help others embrace the change.

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