A lot of organizations have begun to outsource certain aspects of their businesses to save time, money, and improve processes, but can your organization benefit from the growth of help desk support services? You'll only be able to tell if you're using the right help desk support team. Hiring the wrong team can be the difference between the success and failure of your organization, so it's important to consider these 5 things when hiring a help desk support team:
1. Reputation
Your business lives and dies on its reputation, and for the customers you support, the help desk is often the face of IT and the business. With increased scrutiny from customers on social media, ensuring your standards are constantly maintained is imperative. This means taking your reputation into account when outsourcing. Is the help desk support team you're considering as reputable as your organization? If it is, there will be no disconnect or backlash from your customers. Remember having to rebuild your reputation will be more costly than it would be to outsource.
2. Expertise
A good outsourced help desk support team should come with a lot of expertise and innovation. In an increasingly competitive business world, hiring the wrong team could mean missing out on key trends and opportunities that could help advance your organization. You'll want a team that focuses on continuous improvement and finds ways to shift more resolutions to the help desk, which will result in faster resolutions and happier customers. Look for a team that is agile, able to adapt rapidly, and able to work closely with you, because their experience can be highly advantageous both in the short and long term.
3. Quality of Work
Outsourcing should result in better quality service to your clients. Most help desk support teams have access to technological advancements that help them measure quality. It’s important however to remember that if you hire a partner without experience in the field and a proven score card, you will get no value for your money. Nonetheless, the best help desk support teams will have a set of criteria that they use to measure the quality of the tickets and interactions with your clients.
4. Cost Effectiveness
The reason for outsourcing, other than to improve processes and efficiencies, is to also improve the bottom line. However, if the help desk support team handles processes incorrectly, the whole idea of cost saving can be lost. Usually, most organizations outsource maintenance tasks like help desk support to free up capital and/or higher level staffing that can be used on more strategic areas of the organization. It's important to ensure your outsourced help desk support team is affordable and can find ways to make your processes as cost effective as possible.
5. Communication
When seeking support, one of the most frustrating things for an employee or customer is lack of communication. When communication is lacking or limited, it impacts quality and results in unnecessarily long wait times for your employees or clients. With that being said, cultural differences and time zone barriers should not be overlooked. It's important to find a great help desk support team that has a reputation of communicating clearly with the people they support as well as other support teams. It’s also important that they can help with any foreign language requirements and can communicate with and support your employees and clients around the globe. Continuous communication is always at the heart of success, which is why you should hire a help desk support team that you can easily communicate with.
Having the right help desk support team in place can help your team deliver more value, and establish your team as an important and strategic player within your organization. If you put in the effort up front to do your homework and consider these 5 things, you can ensure that you’re hiring the best help desk support team for your organization.
Are you looking to hire a help desk support team to help improve the processes and efficiencies in your organization? Simply click here to speak to our team of help desk experts.