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5 Tips to Help Your Support Team Embrace Technology Change

Young businessman with big hammer against wallChange is inevitable and has always been a constant in organizations. As technology advances, it's important that help desk support teams embrace this change in order to be successful. This isn't always easy, but due to the accelerated pace in technological advancements, embracing change is more important than ever before. There is no doubt that the teams that thrive best in this environment are the ones that will embrace the change as part of their organizational DNA. If you're looking for ways to get your help desk support team to embrace technology change at your organization, here are 5 tips to help you get started.

1. Assess the Attitude of Your Team Towards the Change
The attitude of the team members should be measured before the organization makes any changes to get a better understanding of which of them will embrace the change and which of them will not. Team members who prefer stability will choose to work with proven methods while those who embrace change will be more enthusiastic to experiment with the new technology.

2. Involve the Team in Decision Making
Increased job satisfaction, increased productivity and commitments are among the benefits of involving team members in decision making. It helps create a cohesive environment for teamwork and enables the employees to voice their opinions without fear. Team members involved in the decision making will be more willing to try new methods while those who are not may prefer sticking with the old methods.               

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3. Listen to the Team's Feedback
It is important to take note of the perceptions, experience and concerns of your team members in relation to the new technology. Their feedback is important in helping you decide on whether to employ the technology in your business or not. It is also important to create a friendly and free environment for your team members to bring out their opinions about the new technology without fear.

4. Provide Training
For new technology advances, you should not treat training as a one and done deal. Effective training is important before application of the technology, during its launch and during the duration of its existence. The training should be from those who have adequate knowledge and skills on the new technology so as to ensure that those who are being trained understand on how to use the technology effectively.

5. Focus on the Benefits
Focusing on the benefits that you will experience once the technology is implemented will help you to look beyond any inconveniences that the technology may bring about. You are therefore able to look past the initial sacrifices and look forward to enjoying the benefits that the technology will bring to the team, and ultimately, the organization in the long term.

It is important to understand that for team members  to understand and appreciate new technology advances, they should be involved in decision making and be trained on the same. The rate of end-user acceptance and adaption of new technology advances can also be increased by focusing on the benefits of the technology and listening to what your employees and customers have to say about it.

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